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How to Conquer Travel Anxiety and Embrace Wanderlust in Southeast Asia: A Beginner's Guide

Updated: May 30

How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey.
Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash

"You must be the change you want to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi

I remember a text from a friend, "2020 is a time capsule, This is the time to celebrate," and at that moment, I decided to welcome the year in a country far away from my homeland. Unknowingly the New Year's Eve celebration in Goa was an unfortunate beginning of 2020. Such a nightmare when covid-19 outspread so quickly, forcing the entire world deemed into lockdown. The world we knew until 2020 no longer exists. It seems like the earth turns dark and silent.

How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey, Empty steet in Milan Italy due to lockdown
Photo by Mick De Paola on Unsplash

The year 2020 has been tough and challenging. Seems like we're all stuck in a time capsule helplessly without knowing when the gone-wrong situation will end. We have missed being carefree and travel far without having to worry about pandemics.

How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey, the world is temporarily closed
Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

While waiting for the earth to recover from all the adverse effects of the whole pandemic situation. There is a ray of hope from nature somewhere along the way. Major ecosystems on land and underwater have significantly shown signs of recovery from intensive human activities. Hopefully, the year 2021 will bring us the brand new environment of nature emerging from the great reset.

Since we're still at the beginning of the year 2021, this could be the right time to revisit all our interrupted vacation plans from the previous year. It's time to start fresh.

The looming travel hangover is real and may be much harder to deal with unexpectedly. No one had thought that this situation could be prolonged, long enough to make us crave to taste the wanderlust, almost making us forget the great taste of a breeze from the foreign land.

How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey, Empty Flight due to covid 19
Photo by Jc Gellidon on Unsplash

I lost count of how many days of lockdown we've settled in and how many hours I've spent watching travel videos on YouTube. It was weird to miss all the great things from the past. We hope to set sail on the journey and explore again.

How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey, Airport sunset waiting for flight
Photo by Keith Chan on Unsplash

While safekeeping all the future travel plans at the back of my mind, It's time to make some personal reflections. There must be a great lesson and price we've got to pay for this unprecedented situation, which the world is facing.

Everyone goes through the phases differently. Some people have lost their loved ones, lost their income source, jobless, hard depression, anxiety, and whatnot. It is a great reminder that we should never take things for granted, take care of each other and always play our part to make the world a better place to live in.

Every darkness will soon meet the lights at the end of the tunnel. When the borders open, we can pack our backpacks again, get into that plane, and get lost in the wonders. Whatever the plan is, fingers crossed, everything will be back to normal.

Missing traveling, How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey. view from flight windows facing sunset
Photo by Eva Darron on Unsplash
Imagine today you pack your backpack to travel far like before. Ahh! I can see tears freefall. It would be so epic and emotional. If travel can be a healer to all the bleeding souls, so let it be, embrace it.


How to Start Travel Again in 2021

Go Local, Embrace Different cultures

How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey. Ceremony in bali, celebration, backpacking in indonesia
Photo by Ruben Hatabarat on Unsplash

It doesn't matter whether it's a domestic or international trip; your spending will help sustain the tourism industry and the poorly affected people around it. The power lies within you. It is a great thing to consider buying local products and substitutes to help the local industries flourish again. Besides, local products are usually cheaper and more sustainable.

How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey. Floating market in thailand Bangkok, travel local in southeast asia
Photo by Marek Okon On Unsplash

If you enjoy local food at Warong, you can also shop at the local craft market, buy souvenirs from local producers and enjoy the best of your traveling. Going local not just stretches your dollar but also helps to learn more about their culture and traditional craft. After all, traveling is not just about feeling good but should also enrich your personality and beyond.

Pack your essential Enough

How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey. finding solitude in nature, backpacking in green mountain
Photo by Sayan Nath on Unsplash

When it comes to packing, only you know how much is enough for yourself. Don't bite more than you can chew; never overpack. In contrast, don't pack too little, such things will contribute to impulsive purchases and panic buying. It is no fun carrying a heavy backpack on the road.

How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey. pack you medicine for travel
Photo by Adam Niescioruk on Unsplash

It's pretty evident that borders are closed for so long in certain countries, and supplies may drop significantly due to inactive demand from tourists. In some remote areas, supplies for specific items could be in shortage. The most important thing is to pack your essentials enough, like meds and personal preference goods. When you are away from familiar places, substitutes can come along the way, but when it comes to health requirements, pack your drugs enough.

Encourage Fair Trade, Don't over a bargain.

Many sectors have been affected and collapsed entirely because of prolonged lockdown, especially those that rely heavily on international arrivals. Some nations are definitely hitting the bedrock harder than expected. Operators shut down services and were forced to get out of the business, leaving the already poor population and low-income families at risk. We couldn't have imagined how struggled they are just to make ends meet.

How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey. travel in angkor wat cambodia
Photo by Silver Ringvee

I remember a few kids in front of the Angkor Wat chasing vacationers to sell handmade bracelets after school to help their family. How are they doing now? A small Warung in Indonesia runs by a humble family in Bali may also suffer from this unprecedented situation. As long as the tourism industry remains on hiatus, life on the other side could also be badly affected.

How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey. Market in Delhi india, Bangladesh
Photo by Tanjir Ahmed

When the borders open soon, it could be a great way to help the local industry to thrive again. There is nothing wrong with bargaining for a reasonable price as long as it benefits the local seller. Paying a fair amount of money for all the required services is the key to helping local producers. Who knows, the extra money you pay could land them better meals for that day.

Enjoy Everything at its Best and Care for Nature.

Beutiful Perhentian island from above, pristine blue sea water Malaysia island, How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey.
Photo by Gaddafi Rusli on Unsplash

It took a lot of sacrifices for the world to heal, as we have seen in the headlines today. Throughout the covid pandemic, the world was put to a halt. It's a huge price that we had to pay for mother nature to reset again. After a year with very little human interaction, exploration, and greedy intervention, the world has reached a remarkable ecosystem recovery. Thus, we should not take it for granted this time.

Be a responsible traveler and care for nature. We cannot run to Mars when the earth is deteriorating. We only have one beautiful mother earth to live in, and by being more responsible, we play our role to extend the longevity of the ecosystem.

Try to reduce our carbon footprint by all means. Reduce plastic consumption, avoid littering and opt for more environmentally friendly products will also help. It doesn't have to be big; a few small steps with everyone's participation could lead to a significant sustainable impact.

Post pandemic thriving marine ecosystem, corals and diving in asia, How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey.
Photo by Hiroko Yoshii on Unsplash

Imagine the thriving coral with abundant underwater creatures and lush forest ecosystems. All are there waiting to be explored. Remember to leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but pictures.

Click here if you need something to read

Spread Positivity and Travel More

"Though I might travel afar, I will meet only what I carry with me, for every man is a mirror. We see only ourselves reflected in those around us. Their attitudes and actions are only a reflection of our own. The whole world and its condition has its counterparts within us all. Turn the gaze inward. Correct yourself and your world will change."

Kirsten Zambucka

Bonfire on the beach, sunset on island, tropical paradise with friends, How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey.
Photo by Kimson Doan on Unsplash

You are so lucky if you can travel during the pandemic recovery period. Most people are still suffering from the loss of income and unemployment. If you are bound to explore places, don't forget to spread positivity to the people around you.

You can start with small actions. The gloomy day can turn into a brighter one with just a simple smile gesture. Smiling is so infectious that it could lead to a better mood and response. A compliment is amazing too, especially if you really mean it. Sometimes people just need a positive push to stay motivated in whatever they are doing.

smiling face from a seller in floating market Bangkok Thailand, tips and trick on how to travel in 2021, pisan zapra journey.

Everyone will be so excited when the borders open (hopefully soon). As much as we are all crazy about the idea of traveling again, don't forget to respect local cultures and customs. You never know, your visit to a foreign land could be a blessing to the local community.

Spread the words and tell your loved ones

Being afar does not necessarily mean being away from our loved ones. There are many ways to stay connected in this modern world, thanks to the internet for making it possible. By staying connected, we can reduce unnecessary anxiety back home.

Camping in forest, couple on hammock, How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey.
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

In the case of an emergency, they can provide some help (never underestimate that). No matter how smooth our plan is, things can get out of hand sometimes. If you think it is too much information to tell, your rough plans won't hurt the entire joy of the journey.

Stay safe out there!

Get the right Vaccine and Meds.

Talk to your health care provider, or you can do some readings on the internet. Pay attention to the recommended vaccines and remedies for each country.

Take the right vaccine and medicine before travel, covid 19 vaccine, How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey.
Photo by Dimitri Houttema on Unsplash

Get some information to evaluate your health risk. If you need a specific vaccine for any preventative purposes, it's a good idea to get the recommended doses before flying out. You wouldn't know what lies ahead, especially if you're planning to go deep in exploration. Some rural places may have limited access to medical supplies. As the saying goes, "prevention is better than cure."

Besides that, packing your meds and getting the right vaccine will save you from the unnecessary treatment costs overseas.

Travel insurance at your own convenience

A good reminder for us that situations can change drastically no matter how meticulously prepared we are. Anyhow, an insurance policy could save us from spending a large amount of money during emergencies and unwanted situations. If you have insurance coverage at home, don't forget to bring a copy along with you.

On the front page, a policy can be quite expensive based on the amount of coverage they offer. This is probably the reason so many of us take it lightly. Many shoestring travelers will skip it to reduce traveling expenses.

Couple waiting at the airport for departure, How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey.
Photo by Laimannung on Unsplash

Doesn't matter if you are taking full protection or not. It is good to have a backup plan. Usually, a flight company will sell insurance slightly cheaper when you buy the flight together or simply check out some reputable insurance providers like world nomads and Travelex to customize your coverage based on your needs.

Countries like Singapore have implemented compulsory (covid-19) insurance for any traveler who plans to enter their border. Make sure you read the requirements before planning a trip.


Travel bubble or go local

Travel bubble, How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey.
Photo by Julie Laiymani on Unsplash

As for now, many countries have implemented travel bubbles as part of the solutions to help each other's tourism. Unarguably, it is a great way to revive the economy and related industries. We can't deny the power of tourism in driving the nation's economy. It plays a vital role in creating job opportunities, facility development and foreign exchange, etc.

How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey. Bonfire camping with friends
Photo by Jake Pierrelee on Unsplash

In addition, the travel bubble will also remove strict regulations as a result of a mutual understanding between two or more countries. What is better than the sound of stamping on your passport upon arrival?

If the travel bubble is not for you then, local destinations should be able to satisfy those wanderlust spirits. There are so many places to discover in your home country, which is the right time to explore it. Next time when you go abroad, you can tell the world how amazing your country is.

How to Start Travel Again in 2021, Plan to travel after covid 19,  tips and tricks pisan zapra journey.
Reminiscing the good ol' days

Stay healthy and take care.

Until next time, when you pack your backpack and ready to roll.

See you on the other side.



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